
Showing posts from May, 2009

Trust and the Pizza Delivery Principle

Maturing in intercession means being trustworthy with the secrets of God and with the confidences of those in authority you are called to pray for. As Tommi Femrite says: " We are to be like vaults where God can hide his private thoughts, knowing that they will only be released at His discretion." We also need to continually work on not taking our own worth or value from the words that we get on behalf of those we are praying for! Part of our faithfulness gets tested when we continue to get words for aleaders, without encouragement. That is somethign that leaders need to work on, absolutely no doubt of that, BUT the real issue for many of us on a prayer shield, is to remember 'why' we are doing what we are doing. Is if for 'man'? Or have we felt called by God? As intercessors called to pray for leaders, we need to be known for our faithfulness, our loyalty and our ability to keep a confidence. Leader's who do not feel safe with their intercessors, ...

Looking for a few Good Intercessors.....

Looking for Intercessors Hey! Any Intercessors out there, looking for opportunities to pray? I am looking for intercessors who are feeling called to partner in prayer, on behalf of others. Intercessors who are able to be confidential and trusted with prayer issues for leaders and those who are currently influencing for the Kingdom of God in their fields. If you've been looking for an opportunity to actually function as part of a team that is praying for businesses....or perhaps pastors & leaders....or missionaries - contact me.I have a list of people that are requesting to be paired up with Intercessors for prayer support, but my pool of intercessors is currently empty - they are all out on assignments and maxed out ! If you've been following this blog, and feeling like you'd like to find some other ways to be a part of praying for people/businesses, then let me know.I had hoped to have a down loadable form for intercessors to fill out, but my techie buddie is in Tai...


TRUST: (n) reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing; confidence. One of the biggest issues that seems to come up, time and time again when trying to establish a prayer shield, whether for the leader or the prayer person, is the issue of trust. Once trust has been broken, it's hard to recover - but recover we must! Without trust, the whole point of a prayer shield falls apart. Let me explain...... If a leader doesn't trust prayer people, then either they won't really share what they need prayer for, or they won't receive what the prayer people have heard from the Lord. If prayer person doesn't trust leaders, then they won't submit what they are hearing from the Lord on their behalf, and thereby rob them of an opportunity to be encouraged or alerted to things, by the Lord thru them! Either way.....broken trust, left unhealed, will ultimately cause a lack of functionality in a prayer shield. Now..I know there will b...