
Showing posts from February, 2012

Bad Deliveries....

I'm sure I'm not the only person who has either been given a 'word' that someone felt they received while praying for me - that ended up being a HUGE hindrance. I used to shudder to think that I would ever do that to anyone...but I've come to realise that as we grow and learn about praying for others, and in particular, praying for leaders, our learning curve increases and yes, sometimes our immaturity gets exposed. My top 5 'bad pizzas'! I remember once praying for a specific leader  who was in the public eye, and had a lot of pressure on him. I also remember sensing that because he was charismatic, and in the public eye, that there were alot of women who wanted to get close to him.  So, it probably would have been a good idea just to pray protection for him and his marriage, right? Right! But that's not what I did! I got so puffed with pride, that  God had shown me something, and I wanted to prove that I was hearing from the Lord about important stu...

Delivering The Pizza!! did that title peak your interest?! What does 'delivering the pizza' have to do with praying for leaders? Well, I'm so glad you asked! As an intercessor, when I'm asked to pray for a leader, I'm usually asking God to speak to them,or show them what He's wanting them to do. I also often ask the Lord to let me be a confirmational voice  - I try very hard NOT to be directional ( and I'll explain that why later).  Often I will also ask God to 'give me something' for them - that's where getting words, scriptures or pictures, comes in! This is what I teach people to do with what they 'get'. When you feel you have received something for a leader, the best thing you can do is just 'deliver it' with no strings attached.  By that I mean, don't interpret it for them, give them your take on it . Just give it to them, and encourage them to ask God what He's saying to them through it. I liken this to 'delivering pizza...