Friday Food for Thought: Honor.... There are different ways I see 'honor' happening around me. Today I got to see two of those ways. Both impacted me on a deeply personal level! It's a cloudy Friday in December and my husband and I went to the hospital to pray for someone from our church who had a stroke over Christmas. It is always a honor and priviledge to get to pray with people in these times. It's hard to explain the honor that is given to you as pastors, that a family would trust you in such a way, as to let you 'in' to such a personal and private time - and today we were honored in such a way. We had gone a couple of days previously.. and the Lord had told me to 'sing' over this wonderful woman of faith. I knew I had read somewhere that often people who have had strokes .. or dementia - brain issues - will often have trouble speaking but they will not have trouble singing. So.. I knew the Lord was showing me something. We arrived that day,...