Same Issues/Familar Battles

How often have you been asked to pray something for a leader, that you too, are waiting to see an answer on?  Believe it or not, I personally feel that this is a GREAT position for you to be in! Why?  Well, it's simple.....

Matthew 7:12

The Message (MSG)
12"Here is a simple, rule-of-thumb guide for behavior: Ask yourself what you want people to do for you, then grab the initiative and do it for them. Add up God's Law and Prophets and this is what you get.

So often I find that people feel that if they are still waiting on a victory in an area, or waiting for an answer to prayer, that they feel they can't pray with authority for someone who has the same need!  Not true!  Matthew 7:12 clearly tells us that we should do for them, what we'd want done for us.  I'll give you an example.....

A number of years ago one of our children was not walking with God - in fact he was running in the opposite direction!  As a pastor and leader, I really struggled with asking people to pray for him because I felt like it reflected on my parenting.   Instead I chose to go to a few trusted and confidential friends, and shared with them what was happening in my child's life and asked them to pray - which they did!  Then, just shortly after I asked my friends to pray for my child....I began to receive emails from other leaders asking me to pray for their prodigals. I was stumped! How do I pray for their children, when I'm still waiting for my own to make a 'turn around'?  And could I pray for their children, when my own were out there in the world?  I thought the fact that one of my own was 'wayward', was a sign that I didn't have authority in that area. I was SO wrong!!

I came across this verse in Matthew, and the Lord clearly spoke to me.  'Pam, this is your opportunity to pray one of the 'purest prayers' - a prayer with no agenda but blessing someone else with the answer  you are still standing for yourself!'....  I realised that day, that this was an amazing weapon that God was given me - the choice to stand and cry out for someone else's prodigal, while I stood in faith and waited for my own to come home. I could do for someone else, what I was hoping others were doing for me.  Let's call it ' Praying it forward'!  I suddenly felt so empowered as I prayed for these other young people and their mothers  ( and fathers). I cried out with a fierceness that I didn't even know was in me, because I 'knew' what I was wanting for my own child!  My season of waiting was actually giving me a unique position and understanding of how to pray for others in their time of need!  Awesome isn't it?!! I wasn't praying out of my position of having already having my prayers answered. I was praying out of a position of LOVE - loving others as myself - praying on their behalf, completely unselfishly - with out agenda! " Lord send your help! Rescue their child!"

Don't listen to that 'voice' that tells you that you can't pray for something if you haven't seen your answer yet! You CAN pray! And pray powerfully !

I find often I do identify with some of the issues facing the leaders that I'm praying for.  One thing I look out for, is that I don't my own 'hurt' or 'stuff' on them regarding the issue. Instead, I ask God to help me pray out of  healed place. I don't assume they've been hurt by the same things I have, or that they've had people do the same things to them that have been done to me. I do  however remember:
II Cor. 1: 4 New Living Translation. He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us.

The help you need, you pray for THEM ! The strength you need, you pray for THEM ! The deliverance you want, you pray for THEM ! And when they are victorious, we will be able to rejoice with them! 

Psalm 20:5

New International Version (NIV)

5 May we shout for joy over your victory
and lift up our banners in the name of our God. May the LORD grant all your requests.

Fighting the same battles - identifying with their struggles , doesn't always have to mean something negative! As long as you remember where to pray the answer for them, that you wished you'd had, or are waiting for.  As long as you remember to stay 'selfless' in your prayers - it can be awesome! Don't let the identification go into your 'soul' area - it can get cloudy and you can get caught up in your own feelings about the battle.....Stay praying in the 'spirit', and it will be wonderful !


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