Unrelenting, Perservering Pray!

Luke 18: 1 ' Then He spoke a parable to them, that men should ought always to pray and not lose heart.'

The greatest temptation for those of that have taken on a prayer assignment for leaders, is to lose heart while we wait for an answer.  To become faint-hearted. To be discouraged to the point of despair when we don't see the breakthroughs coming sooner !  We need to NOT let the enemy tell us that our prayers are not being effective, simply because some answers take longer than others. Those we are praying for cannot afford for us to give up or come to the conclusion that we 'don't have what it takes' to pray for them!

Delayed answers by nature tend to stretch us, or cause us to lose hope. ' Hope deferred makes the heart sick'. Prov. 13:12. 
"This 'heart sickness' ' is a natural human response when we are waiting on God for a long time.  But then the enemy comes to add his demonic fuiel to the the fire. He interjects doubts and lies, doing everything in his power to cause us to lose heart. The challenge to remain in faith in the face of God's delays can seem overwhelming at times".   ( from  Bob Sorge's book 'Unrelenting Prayer.')

There isn't a prayer person who hasn't heard that snide voice at some time or another. You know the one....the one that tells you, ' Oh what difference does it make that I'm praying for so-n-so. He/She's still struggling. They are still waiting for an answer.' 

YES..that may be true...but think about it in the natural. If you don't mind me bringing up my favorite word pictures again - war movies - I'd like to share something!  Think of the movies where someone is surrounded by the enemy, but they are standing their ground - fighting off their foes.  They may be outnumbered, and feeling overwhelmed, BUT at some point in that scenario, someone has gone for help - for re-inforcements! The hope that keeps that person fighting, is knowing that someone is coming - help is coming!  That's what we do when we pray for leaders - we give them home that they don't fight alone!

 There will be times when they feel outnumbered and overwhelmed, but if they know that their prayer person/people have 'gone for help', have  but the call out for reinforcements, it can be the encouragement to keep fighting and not give up. It is the belief that they are not being left alone to face the enemy, that causes men to stand and be brave, even in the face of overwhelming odds!

Our prayers can and do make s difference. When a leader can call or email his prayer shield and say ' Pray..and pray hard!'  They are sending out the call for reinforcements - heavenly reinforcements - to come and help push the enemy back! 

The parable in Luke 18 is brilliantly designed by Jesus to empower us to persevere, confidently in prayer, until our answer is released! 

Remember... ' men out always to pray and not lose heart!'.....

Next week...let's talk about when the things we are being asked to pray for leaders, are the sames issues we too, are waiting to see breakthrough in!


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