Dear Pam,

Dear Pam,
I am so excited that you are heading to Breakforth with Brian to do this seminar. I'm sure that Brian will attest to how much this ministry has impacted him and his family!
As you know, I have had a few dramatic times when we have emailed out that I was "going under" with stuff and I have felt the heaviness lift off. Hallelujah!
In general, I have to say that having a prayer shield has brought a new level of "connectedness" with the larger Body. We don't feel so alone in ministry and it is wonderful (although humbling) to know that people are committed to pray for us and our family.
Another side benefit of staying in touch with a prayer shield has been taking time monthly (sometime more frequently) to actually pause, reflect and discern what is going on in our lives (personally and in ministry). It has been a huge encouragement to look at previous updates and see how God has answered our prayers and has protected and provided for us. It is easy to just get lost trying to keep up with a busy schedule and miss what God is doing in our lives. What a gift to recognize His hand on our lives and to be consciously and consistently praising Him for His work in our lives and the lives of others.
It has also been great to know who to call on when we are hit with a crisis or are just feeling overwhelmed. We don't have to wonder if we are "bothering" anyone - these dear friends have agreed to be our "go to" people.
Needless to say, it is also wonderful to just get a hug, sometimes a "knowing look" and an affirmation that we are being loved and prayed for whenever we bump into one of our prayer shield members. We don't need to talk at length or feel like we have to divulge our deepest fears or questions, but we can rest assured that they are praying for God's will in our lives and are claiming His promises over us.
In a nutshell, we just feel more loved and cared for. We have been blessed beyond words by our prayer shield and by Pam and Alf's commitment to set up and maintain ongoing communication between us. To me, this ministry is HUGE and vital! The enemy has had his "fun" long enough and it is high time that we caught on to his schemes to discourage and destroy leaders. This is his plan ("to steal, kill and destroy") and it is time that we stood together, linked arms, locked our shields together and let him know that we know who we are in Christ and we are not going to watch each other get beaten down any longer.
I think that God has given Pam a very distinct vision and clear plan for prayer shields. I thank Him for using her to build up this part of the Body and for her willingness to step out in faith and show us how to really care for one another.
with thanks,
Nancy Boese


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